Become a sponsor

We need your support

Join us to provide underprivileged children with basic education so that they can pursue a dignified life.

This unique experience of the founders, President, Vice-President (Dr. Matthias Geselle) and Treasurer (Dr. Ulf Gerlach), is clearly evident in the operative orientation of the approach adopted in the projects our organization is committed to. And it is a unique opportunity to “give back” to the world what we have received. Our approach can be summarized: “Whatever you hold back, will be lost forever. Whatever you give away to others will come back thousand fold”.

Become a sponsor

This overview demonstrates the distribution of money per annum and per child. Every donation and amount counts.


p.a.and per child


School materials

Helpers, cook, day care etc.

Equipment for the playground



p.a.and per child

All meals






p.a.and per child

All medical supplies

Regular medical control


* Projekt: Serang – Shining Glory Church

Please use the following bank-account for your contribution:
Hamburger Sparkasse, Account/ Konto: Human Care & Education e.V.
Account Number/ Kontonummer: IBAN: DE21200505501262240672 BIC: HASPDEHHXXX

10 reasons why to support Human Care & Education

  • Because HCE is securing basic education to underprivileged children
  • These children are mostly orphans, and thus have no support from anywhere else
  • As of December 1, 2024, we now support almost 1,200 children in Nepal and India, who are cared for and educated by a total of almost 150 teachers in five schools and a multi-generation house …
  • For comparison: in 2018/19, we supported around 80 children and ten teachers in two projects.
  • Many of them are supported through sponsorships: 1. € 300,- medicine; 2. € 1200,00 food and clothing; 3. € 600,00 education
  • Nepal is the second poorest country in the world (after Bangeladesh); teacher’s salary approx. 150 EURO/month, unskilled worker approx. 20-30 EURO/month “sandwiched” between India and China; 27 million inhabitants, 6 million of whom work abroad; unemployment 57%; 81% work in agriculture; literacy: 58% of men and 42% of women; life expectancy 63 years (men) and 64 years (women); state income: approx. 60% through job placement abroad!

  • In the Andhra Pradesh region in the south-east of the continent, the average income per family is only USD 80-100 per month and most people own neither land nor houses. They work in the fields and fish ponds harvesting for the upper caste landowners and landlords.

  • In close cooperation with Human Care & Education e.V., Mercy and Grace runs three schools for the children of the poorest, who would never be able to attend school in the current situation in India. This enables them to break the vicious circle of poverty, lack of education, lack of work and persistent poverty. The schools are open to children of all religions and world views and are not – as in most other schools in India – restricted to Hindus.

  • Provide education and hygiene education and  (if necessary) medical support
  • Provide clothing for those living in mountain areas (2500-3500m)
  • No child should have to rely on a quasi “non-existing” public or unaffordable private medical system
  • Prevention is much better than treatments (especially in the rural areas where the next doctor is 1-2 days away)
  • The cost for administration spent is less than 5% of the money received from donors
  • HCE is build up and run by volunteers only. Thus no salaries, no expenses for travel, etc. paid by HCE
  • The volunteers visit the projects regularly at their own expense

  • Friends, sponsors and other supporters also do this regularly

  • Strict internal cost control

  • Only with basic education, people are able to find a qualified job
  • Only a qualified job “protects” you from being jobless in the next crisis (Covid-19 included)
  • No education, no job, no income, no future, no life
  • The exchange between generations provides good knowledge and preparation for life
  • This is not available for orphans
  • Only basic education can prevent people from leaving their country and coming to Europe
  • Having no education means that you cannot even read the contract you accept for working 3 years in Quatar
  • (construction of football championship stadiums)
  • Educate the children in the country instead of pushing them back at the European border..or let them die in the Mediterranean sea