
Trekking zum Kloster Serang und zur Serang Basic School: der Weg zu den Kindern und zu mir selbst

Aufstieg und Ankunft 27. April 2022, es ist der 5. Tag unserer Trekkingtour und wir steigen vom Bergdorf Bihi, im Nubri Valley der Manaslu Conservation Area, zum Kloster Serang auf über 3.000 m hinauf. Wir sind eine bunt zusammengewürfelte Gruppe von acht Teilnehmenden und werden von einer Delegation des Klosters mit Nuptul Rinpoche, einem der […]

Trekking zum Kloster Serang und zur Serang Basic School: der Weg zu den Kindern und zu mir selbst Read More »

Buddhist New Year greetings from Nuptul Tenpei Nyima (Abbot of the monastery Nubri/Serang)

5th of march 2022 – Dear members and supporters of Human Care & Education, despite that we had sent good wishes to each other at the beginning of 2021, I believe that most of us have gone through various challenges and faced unexpected obstacles in the past year, particularly in the middle of this ongoing

Buddhist New Year greetings from Nuptul Tenpei Nyima (Abbot of the monastery Nubri/Serang) Read More »

Human Care & Education e.V. auf dem Tag der Bildung am 8.12.2021

Von großem Medienecho wurde Human Care & Education e.V. auf dem Tag der Bildung (8.12.2021) begleitet. Auch wenn jemand bis zum 8.12. noch nichts von HCE gehört hätte, wurde auf den Punkt gebracht deutlich, wie wichtig und sinnvoll die Unterstützung von HCE ist und warum die Initiativen und Projekte auch für uns in Deutschland relevant sind/

Human Care & Education e.V. auf dem Tag der Bildung am 8.12.2021 Read More »

Sewing Project

Dear Thomas Sir, Yesterday, we borrowed 26 Sewing Machines from the supplier and distributed to 26 Women from the Villages. The Women who trained for 6 months and they are so happy to have received Sewing Machines to make new dresses and repair old to get income to meet their family needs, due to covid,

Sewing Project Read More »


When the first lockdown forced entire educational institutes to be closed down, it has significantly disrupted every aspect of educational sectors. The 2nd lockdown was again imposed on the 29th April 2021, the deadly new variants of the Corona virus entered Nepal causing significant casualties and damages to the country. This again forced the government


News from Serang

Dear brother Thomas, I hope this email finds you well.  we all knew that these two years have been hard for many people in the world by pandemics and many other disasters including recent floods in Germany and Nepal. We made fervent prayers for all the people in the world and were especially dedicated to those people who

News from Serang Read More »

Good Easter News

Easter is the most important feast for Christians all over the world, being a time of hope and victory over death. This is a reassuring and encouraging message, something we all need, especially in these trying and unsettling times of a global pandemic.  Shortly before the Easter celebrations, we received hopeful and promising news from

Good Easter News Read More »

Our advent calendar on Facebook – every day a new insight into our project in Serang:

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Our advent calendar on Facebook – every day a new insight into our project in Serang: Read More »